Is there something in your life you want to transform?
Is there a sabotage pattern in your life that keeps repeating?


About Nicky

Nicky is a Transformation Coach and Dietician. She assists clients transform whatever is holding them back from being all that they can be.  Nicky works on a deep level to clear sub-conscious patterns, beliefs and behavioral patterns that sabotage people from accessing their true potential.  Having studied human behavior and conscious healing extensively, Nicky selects the most effective and efficient modality to work with the issues at hand.   The different modalities she uses include,  Transformational Kinesiology, Family & Systemic Constellations, NLP, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Matrix Re-Imprinting, The Demartini Method®, New Insights Life Coaching, Access Consciousness Bars, and the Neethlings Brain Instruments (NBI Thinking Styles).



A question Nicky has explored deeply is the omnipotence of God. If God (Grand Organized Designer) is everywhere, where is God not? She has come to realize that we so often judge our life experiences as bad or wrong, but what if there is a higher order in all things? 
If you can see that higher order, if you can see the love in all things, then you can be released from the strife and suffering that comes from holding on to the paradigm that there is something wrong with you, or with your life. Seeing the perfection in the perceived imperfection sets you free to live your life on a different dimension. This is the paradigm from which Nicky operates. Her invitation to you is to bring whatever challenge you face, to explore the programs, patterns or loyalties holding it in place. What we hold in shadow runs us from a subconscious place, when we bring it into the light, we see the truth of what is behind it, through that, we can bring healing lightness and a new level of freedom.