The Neethling Brain Instruments (NBI) is a series of instruments that have been developed based on left & right brain functions. NBI are used to determine one’s preferred thinking style, which gives an indication of how we communicate, act towards other people in different situations, do business, make decisions, solve problems, learn, teach etc.
Understanding your own preferred thinking style enables you to understand yourself and others better. Once you understand your own thinking style that determines the way you relate/ act towards others, you can better adapt your style to appropriately connect with others & meet them where they are, thereby enhancing the relationship.
Would you benefit from understanding your thinking style?
If you answer yes to any of the above questions – then doing an NBI Thinking Styles Profile would really benefit you. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind! Get a fresh perspective that will help you understand yourself and others better. Applying this knowledge will help you improve communication in all areas of life. Thinking with your whole brain will empower you to embrace your potential and live life with a new level of understanding.
The applications are vast, including a few workplace applications like: